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£ 10.79


For every type of skin that needs regeneration, especially problematic skin and acne.

Capcity: 190g


Improves skin’s immunological defence:

– increases tautness and elasticity – clearly visible lifting effect

– soothes inflammation

– helps in the treatment of seborrheic skin and acne

– ensures long-lasting moisturization

– revitalizes tired and dull skin

– restores glowing, smooth and velvety skin

Active Ingredients

ALOE - a concentrated cocktail of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, polysaccharides and amino-acids, obtained from the pulp of ALOE BARBADENSIS cultivated on a certified farm. Aloe has a special beneficial effect on the human skin. It soothes inflammation and boosts skin regeneration and wound healing. It stimulates fibroblast cell regeneration and collagen synthesis, provides long-lasting and deep skin moisturization and supplies oxygen to skin tissues.

ALGINATE (100 % brown algae extract) rich in easily assimilable alginates, polysaccharides and micro and macroelements, it strengthens the skin, deeply moisturizes and reduces redness and irritation.


Massage in serum appropriate to the skin type. Afterwards apply the mask on the whole face, including eyelids and lips, leaving nostrils uncovered. Mix 2.5 measures of the powder and 3 measures of cold mineral water until a smooth consistency is obtained. Evenly cover the face and neck with the mask. The mask will become solid after a few minutes. Peel the whole mask off after 20 minutes.

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